
Saturday, December 25, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

We weren't really sure whether or not it would snow today seeing as it was cloudy all morning then rainy, but sure enough, we just had to hold out til this evening! Boy, has it snowed a lot! Our neighbor told us it hasn't snowed on Christmas in ATL since 1882!
Something about Christmas and the whole holiday season makes me feel like a child again. I honestly (and my family would agree) act like a kid. I love shopping and buying, I love giving gifts, and I love opening. I always start thinking of what I am going to put on my list around Thanksgiving. I then continue to harass my family (and in-laws) endlessly until I have all of their lists! I drive my parents crazy! I love decorating (tree and menorah) and wrapping presents (even though Todd is the master wrapper), I love driving around looking at lights (who doesn't??), and I love waking up at the crack of dawn to make a mess of the living room with toys, clothes, and wrapping paper. I love wearing my pj's all day and not leaving the house.
Today was no different than others, except I loved it even more. Hearing Olivia's little voice with excitement with every present was so fun! She was so excited that Santa ate his cookies and drank his beer (yes, you read that correctly, daddy convinced our two year old to leave cookies and beer for Santa).
What made this day even greater was Olivia stayed up late and we played outside in the snow for almost an hour! Somewhere along the lines, she learned about snow angels (I think from a Mickey Mouse episode but I can't swear to that)...so she couldn't wait to get outside to make snow angels, and of course mommy had to, too....daddy wasn't dressed appropriately.
So I would say, without a doubt, today was a wonderful success! Great presents this morning, Waffle House for lunch, and chili for dinner....followed by fun in the snow!
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah from our family to yours!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

time flies when you are having fun

Football season has come to an end. We made it to the State Semi-finals so it was a VERY exciting season! We drove to South Ga. and beat Lowndes which was a huge feat! I was not ready for the season to end - I really wanted to go to the Dome this year, but it just wasn't our time, not yet any way. We'll get there - great things are going to continue to happen. I got to dust off my cheerleader-rah-rah-hat and do some things I hadn't done in a very long time (like 15 years long time). I decided to continue being the high school groupie that I am and make goodie bags for the coaches. I also went up to the high school and decorated outside the coaches' office. I wrote the teams we played and scores on Todd's mirror in our bathroom - it looked awesome! I had so much fun doing all of those things - I wasn't ready for it to end...I had more in store.

Olivia is quite a little football season trooper. She told me before we played Lowndes, "Daddy going to win!" She loves saying "Go Eaglesth!" and we have a little cheer that she does - my dad taught it to her. She is a riot!

We are very glad to have Todd home - the end of the season is always bittersweet and next year will be here before we know it.

In the meantime, it is rapidly approaching my favorite time of year! There is shopping to be done, presents to be wrapped, and yummies to be baked! Our tree is up, menorah is out, now I am just ready to not have to go to work. I am really hoping for some snow this year! It sure is cold. Olivia's new phrase is "warm and cozy."

Since I am doing this at work, shhhh!, pictures will have to come later (kids are working on a winter project). I have some fun pics. to share!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

giving it a go - again

i love reading others' blogs, and it motivates me to update mine, but i don't feel i do a great job - possibly because i don't do it! so starting today, i am feeling rejuvenated to get this blog up and running.

a week and a few hours ago, today, i was having emergency surgery for internal bleeding due to an ectopic pregnancy. i knew i was pregnant, only 6 weeks, and also knew i wasn't feeling well. my biggest lesson learned in this - LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! i almost didn't call my doctor and fortunately i did. i went to the doctor alone because i really thought they were going to tell my i was constipated or had hemorrhoids - was i wrong! while i was listening to the doctor tell me what she was going to do (really, it was more like charlie brown's teacher talking) all i could think of was my sweet little olivia (and of course todd and the rest of my family). i honestly have never been so terrified and scared in my entire life. it is amazing how when you have a child he/she/they really do come first. i don't know when it happens or how, but it happens.

what happened last week really made me realize how content i am with my life, in all aspects. clearly i need more sleep, but what mom doesn't, right? with olivia's second birthday around the corner, i want to document where she is at right now.

olivia at 23 months and 2 weeks:
running (not walking, but running)
laughing like crazy
almost talking in sentences
likes to nap on her floor during the day and sleep in her bed at night (thanks mel)
isn't wanting to sit in her booster anymore at the table
doesn't get in her car seat as easily as she used to
loves to torment homer
loves giving hugs and kisses
isn't a fan of getting her hair washed in the tub
reading (even if the book is backward and upside down)
is addicted to minnie mouse

Thursday, July 29, 2010

back at it again...football season, that is!

i am not really sure where the end of the school year went, or the summer for that matter, but the time has come to become a "football widow". i always get so excited for high school football, i am such a groupie and am ok with it. this is the life i chose (i remind myself of that, a lot). i love sitting out under the lights on friday nights, watching the guys play, eyeing my husband on the sideline or seeing him walk out of the press box....catching up with the girls as we watch the game - well, these days we watch more of the kiddos than the game, but we are sure trying! i am anxious to see how olivia does this year. i think she'll love it, but be EVERYWHERE. i am going to have to bring back up to the games this year i am afraid.

on another note, we have been doing A LOT of playing this summer and quite a bit of traveling. last week olivia and i (and andy and my mom) flew to chicago to see my grandparents. it was a great trip - simply because they got to share in my little pride and joy for a few days that i get to see every day. for many reasons it was a very hard trip, but one that i am thankful to have taken.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How long has it been since you have ridden a carousel?

So on a rainy Sat. we were trying to figure out something fun to do with Olivia, and we decided to try out the carousel at the Mall of Ga. She loved it! I hadn't been on one in forever - I seriously cannot remember the last time I rode on one. It made me pretty dizzy, but you know, whatever keeps the kiddo happy, we'll do.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

"What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, except Herpes"

Todd and I ventured to Las Vegas for Spring Break 2010. We have been planning to go for a while now and I could not wait! I was nervous to leave Olivia. I knew she would be fine with my parents, but I still worried (what mom doesn't, right?).

We had an absolute blast! Todd told them it was our anniversary (technically it was, in December) so our room got upgraded. It was beautiful! We had an awesome view from the 33rd floor in the Augustus Tower at Ceasar's.

I didn't really think I would enjoy gambline (maybe slots, but not gambline) but was I wrong! I loved playing Craps once I learned how. One morning we were just walking around all the hotels and casinos, kind of looking around and scoping it out, and we were at the Bellagio. We decided to stop on our way out and play a round of Craps. I was on fire! I rolled and rolled and rolled and did great! The dealer said I rolled 15 5's (which meant nothing to me at the time) but later I learned that 5's are hard to roll - had we bet a little more each time I rolled a 5 we would have walked away with $14,000! We told him thanks but we would have appreciated that info. WHILE we were playing, not after the fact! We walked about up about $400-$500 so we were thrilled with that! Later that night we were playing at a table where a woman was on fire (not me) and we walked away with more again! It is complete luck, I realize, but it sure was fun when I was lucky!

We ate great and way too much - too many buffets in Vegas (good buffets, not like Ryan's) and we took advantage probably too many times! We walked a ton and ate a ton, and it was so worth all of it! We couldn't wait to get home to Olivia. She seemed quite confused, but really excited to see us!

The next day, Olivia decided it was time to crawl out of her crib...we put her down for her nap and the next thing we know we heard her RIGHT by her door! Sure enough, she crawled right out, and even showed us how when we asked her! So it was time to transition to a toddler bed (her crib turns into a toddler bed)....normally I would have waited, but the fact that she was able to climb out time and time again, and knew exactly what she was doing, we weren't willing to risk her breaking her neck during the night. She has done great so far, minus a few during the night wake ups and early morning rises.

I love being home with her and am in no hurry to travel again without her! I am so ready for summer and spend time with my girl! (Pictures will come soon - I don't have them on my laptop)